Getting a good night sleep can be the difference between a productive day and one where you can barely focus or get anything done. Sleep is also important for good skin, while we sleep our skin rejuvenates itself, making our skincare products work even better.
Here are some of the best tips for getting a better night sleep.
- No caffeine 4-6 hours before bed.
- Create a sleep schedule, go to sleep at the same time everyday.
- Avoid using electronic devices before bed.
- Try switching phone to night mode.
- Get a noice machine.
- Don’t work from your bed.
- Exercise daily and early during the day.
- Create a bedtime ritual, like a hot bath, dim lights, tea.
- Drink chamomile tea.
- Read before bed.
- Use a salt lamp.
- Meditate before bed for relaxation.
- Use an eye mask.
- Use Eucalyptus essential oil machine to promote relaxation.
- Wear a sleeping face mask to relax and hydrate your skin.
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