{ Strategic Spending } The Tool That Gets You More of What You Really Want!

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I’ve been adding a monthly facial to my self-care routine for the past three months. I believe in investing in yourself, in any way you see fit. For me that involves nutrition, learning, exploring and maintenance. Everyone has their “thing” they like to splurge on {or invest} their money in. Some people find this to be a subscription to yoga/spin, a trainer, golf lessons, shopping or even their daily cup of high end coffee. Those things we find important we prioritize and find a way to make them happen.

I’ve realized that in order for me to have my monthly facials, I’d have to give up something else that was taking up that same amount of money. Sometimes small auto purchases like that daily cup of Starbucks can add up. By the time the month ends, you’ve spent equal or more money, you could have indulged in something bigger and more influential to your life.

I’ve been listening to Dave Ramsey, a financial guru who has his own views on personal finance. I’m obssessed with his methods and i’ve been incorporating some of his principals into my daily life.

I truly love his passion and message, specially his budgeting measuring tool. Have you ever looked at your bank account and wonder where all your hard earn money goes every period? or you think to yourself, I make a great income yet I find no way to indulge in my bigger passions, like travel? That’s where budgeting and Dave Ramsey’s tips come in.

Thanks to his budgeting tool I’ve been able to prioritize what’s important to me, like that I can indulge in my facials, while being strategic about every other purchase.

Budgeting takes commitment, but the power it gives you is incredible.

Budgeting involves taking time aside to put a plan together. It involves thinking and assigning numbers to diffenrent things. Once the easy part of budgeting is completed the hard part comes in, sticking to it. I’ve been using a simple but powerful tool called EveryDollar.com to budget. The online tool and checking in with myself every week keeps me on track.


Reaching your goals no matter what they are, can only be achieved with a plan.

When budgeting set aside some money for a longer goal, whether is a facial or a trip. Looking forward to something will keep you from overspending. Auto-pilot or impulse purchases will stop. Budgeting gives you control and helps you feel like you’re in the driver seat with your money. 
